Doctors, Dentists, Optometrists — and Beyond

How Employers Can Prevent Hearing Injuries

28 February 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

All too many people fail to take seriously the fact that lost hearing is a common work injury. Individuals in all types of industries find themselves with hearing loss, but those that involve factories and construction are among the most common that lead to hearing loss. No matter where you work or what kind of program you put in place for your employees, hearing protection should be part of your plan. Read More …

4 Reasons To Take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

28 February 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

One of the challenges many women face is going through menopause. This can alter many things in the body, and it's ideal for taking control of this condition at the onset. The perfect method for allowing you to get through the change of life with greater ease may rest in taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There are numerous advantages of doing so, and knowing what some of these are very motivating. Read More …

3 Ways To Reduce Long-Term Complications From Stroke

28 February 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Stroke is a common form of vascular disease that can lead to long-term complications, such as paralysis, speech impairments, and vision loss. A combination of awareness about stroke and medical interventions can minimize long-term damage associated with stroke. Know the Symptoms The symptoms of stroke may not always be easy to recognize and can be blamed on less serious problems, such as migraines with neurological symptoms or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Read More …

Beyond Health Care: Other Services That Elderly Adults Really Need

28 February 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When you think of elderly care, you probably first think of health and medical services — administering medications, giving injections, and changing wound dressings. While older individuals do often need this type of care, they also need and benefit from certain types of services that are not medical in nature. Here are four such services that you can greatly help the older adults in your life by providing, or by hiring a service to provide. Read More …

Ways Lap Band Surgery Helps Late Night Snackers

28 February 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

A healthy diet 99 percent of the time can still be sabotaged by poor eating habits that extra one percent of a person's life. For example, a person can eat three healthy meals a day but still gain weight if they enjoy snacking late at night while watching television. As a result, lap band surgery may be a necessity for those who fall into this habit without realizing it. TV Related Snacking Can Cause Heavy Weight Gain Read More …