Health Medical

Assessment Of Your Back Pain Location Leads To Accurate Treatment Plans

8 July 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

There is a good reason why your doctor while examining you for back pain then asks you to rate, by giving numbers, just how painful it is when your back hurts. Assessing your hurting back gives your physician information about where exactly the pain comes from. You may be asked if the pain is accompanied by muscle spasms. Muscle Spasms Help To Define Your Pain If you are experiencing muscle spasms during the testing period, give this information to your doctor. Read More …

In Need Of Oral Surgery? Pre And Post Surgery Tips

30 June 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you are planning on having oral surgery, you should be prepared before your surgery and prepared for what is going to happen after your surgery. Oral surgery may be necessary for a number of reasons. It could be something minor, such as having a few teeth pulled, or the need to have teeth cut out of the mouth, such as wisdom teeth. You may also need a root canal, dental implants inserted, or something else. Read More …

Supportive Therapies That Can Really Help During Breast Cancer Treatment

30 June 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

For most women, breast cancer treatment consists of a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and reconstructive procedures. These treatments are effective, but they can also be challenging to endure and navigate. Luckily, there are some supportive therapies you can employ during breast cancer treatment. The goal of these therapies is not necessarily to heal your breast cancer but to help your body and mind better tolerate the treatments that are healing your breast cancer. Read More …

Sun Giving Your Eyes Problems? Protect Them Here

29 June 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If your eyes are extra sensitive to sunlight, you might wear sunglasses to keep your eyes safe. But if your eyes still hurt when you wear sunglasses, you might need special sunglasses and eye care to protect your vision. Learn why the sun hurts your eyes and how the right sunglasses and care can keep your vision safe below. Why Does the Sun Still Hurt Your Eyes? If sunlight still bothers your eyes, even with sunglasses on, you could have photophobia. Read More …

Did You Injure Your MCL?

24 June 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Your knee contains a number of different ligaments which function to hold the joint together. One of these ligaments is known as the MCL, or medial cruciate ligament. At the name suggests, this ligament is located medially, or towards the inside of the joint. Like other ligaments, the MCL is prone to strains and tears, particularly in athletes. But how do you know if you've injured your MCL, and what can be done about this injury? Read More …