Health Medical

How To Make Addiction Recovery Work For You This Time

6 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you have found yourself in a place in life where you are addicted to a substance and are ready to recover, there are a few things that you need to do. Whether your addiction is to alcohol, prescription pain killers, or illegal street drugs, there is hope and there is the option of full recovery. You simply have to know what to do and where to go. To help make sure that you are starting down the road to recovery the best way possible, you will want to read through the following. Read More …

What Are Pulmonary Function Tests?

6 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Pulmonary is anything that refers to, affects, or occurs in the lungs. The Pulmonary Function Test is used to assess any amount of diseases by measuring what air can be retained in the lungs and how easily air can be transferred into the lungs. If you have signs of lung problems, the doctor can prescribe these tests as part of a routine evaluation to assess the efficacy of continuous therapy and see whether the lungs work effectively before surgery. Read More …

3 Things To Remember When Administering CPR

4 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When an individual goes into cardiac arrest, it is critical that they receive CPR in order to help maintain the flow of blood through the heart in an effort to minimize lasting damage. CPR typically includes both chest compression and artificial breath. It can be easy to overlook some minor but critical tasks when you are in the midst of an emergency. Performing CPR properly is the only way to offer the type of help an individual in cardiac arrest needs. Read More …

Does Your Child Need Tubes In Their Ears? What You Should Know

2 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If your child's pediatrician has recommended that your little one should have ear tubes installed, you may be confused or uncertain and wonder what this will mean for your child or why he or she needs them. Understanding the basics of ear tubes and why they are necessary can help you to be better prepared for this procedure and its benefits. What Are Ear Tubes? Ear tubes are small tube-shaped devices that are inserted into the middle ear by putting them through the eardrum. Read More …

4 Facts Eczema Sufferers Should Know

29 February 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Eczema is sometimes called atopic dermatitis. It usually manifests as a flaky, dry, itchy rash, and it can only be diagnosed by a dermatologist. If you suffer from eczema, you'll want to learn more information about your condition. Understanding eczema can help you better treat it. Here are four facts every eczema sufferer should know: 1. There are different types of eczema. There is more than one type of eczema, and each type can manifest in different ways. Read More …