
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Spider Veins

27 September 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Spider veins are a problem that affects thousands of Americans of all age groups, although it is most common around people who are older and have had more time for the condition to spread. Spider veins are nothing more than damaged veins that have had blood pushed back a little more than what is normally seen, which sees the walls of the veins expand. While this is not immediately dangerous, that does not mean you should ignore your spider veins forever. Read More …

Get CPR Certified As Part Of Your Career Search: Here’s Why

16 September 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

In a competitive job market where employers have several applicants to choose from and people looking for a job are competing to showcase their skills and stand out, the more skills or accredited certifications you have, the better. If you have no clue what additional training or other benefits to have, then look to getting an American Heart Association CPR certification. You can take an American Heart Association CPR class or other accredited and recognized CPR class through your local community college or via a private instructor. Read More …

Urgent Care: Know Before You Go

15 August 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When you're not feeling well or have injured yourself, you may not need to make a trip to the emergency room. Instead, it may be possible to go to urgent care. These facilities are designed to bridge the gap between your general practitioner and the emergency room, providing treatment for urgent illnesses and injuries. There are a few things you should know before you head to an urgent care facility, including the following. Read More …

4 Advantages Of Working With A Virtual EMR Scribe

12 July 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Medical scribes perform an important service for doctors and patients. Their detailed notes allow doctors to recall the particulars of a patient's case, making sure no pertinent information slips between the cracks. Some doctors choose to take their own notes, which can cut into their ability to serve their patients without distractions. Fortunately, doctors can take advantage of the services of a professional EMR scribe using remote technology. Here are four advantages of working with a virtual EMR scribe: Read More …

Which Body Sculpting Treatment Is Right For You?

7 June 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Today, there are more body sculpting treatments than ever before. Even if you have already tried a body sculpting treatment in the past, you may have realized that there are many new treatments to consider. Are you torn between your options? These are some of the body sculpting treatments you may want to consider. CoolSculpting CoolSculpting is one of the most common ways to remove fat today, and it is incredibly effective. Read More …