
SLAP Tears In Softball Pitchers: What Causes Them, And How Can They Be Treated?

7 May 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Softball may have an unfair reputation as baseball's slower and less dangerous cousin, but this high-intensity sport can still inflict some pretty serious injuries on the people who play it. Softball pitchers can be particularly vulnerable to injuries, and the violent, repetitive motion of pitching and catching balls can deal some particularly serious damage to the shoulders. Many softball pitchers at both an amateur and professional level suffer from persistent and often excruciating shoulder pain, which can be intensely debilitating for any player. Read More …

How Probiotics Help Boost The Immune System Of Those Transitioning To A Healthier Diet

4 May 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

The immune system is one part of the body that many people don't think of when they choose their diet. Unfortunately, this lack of attention to the food that they eat could open them up to many diseases by compromising their immune system. Therefore, those trying to switch to a healthier lifestyle may want to consider immune system probiotics to help their health. Poor Diet May Compromise a Person's Immune System Read More …

Benefits Of Physical Therapy After Total Hip Replacement

19 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you recently had a total hip replacement procedure because of joint damage, then your surgeon probably recommended that you enroll in an orthopedic physical therapy program. Patients who forego physical therapy after hip and other orthopedic surgeries do not "bounce back" as quickly as those who do participate in programs. Here are some physical therapy benefits that you will enjoy following your total hip replacement. Enhanced Circulation Orthopedic physical therapy helps enhance circulation after hip replacement surgery. Read More …

Benefits of Having a Primary Care Physician

19 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Having a primary care physician as your lead health care doctor is one of the best choices to make for your healthcare needs. Your primary care physician is a specialist in internal medicine or pediatrics and family medicine. He or she is your first point of contact when you are not feeling well. Indeed, it's said that primary care physicians (PCP) have better health outcomes from initially treating you for medical conditions such as heart disease, cancer, or stroke among other diseases. Read More …

4 Types Of Interventional Injections For Pain Management

18 March 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Living with chronic pain is physically and emotionally taxing. It's difficult to live with a problem that seems like it has no solution. Fortunately, there is one solution that's providing some relief to chronic pain sufferers: interventional injection. These injections are administered by a doctor in order to treat the source of pain and provide relief to chronic pain sufferers. Here are four types of common interventional injections and their uses. Read More …