How Can You Combat A Loss Of Libido During Menopause?
If you're going through (or have recently gone through) menopause and are beginning to notice a serious drop in your sex drive, you're not alone. The hormonal changes that accompany menopause can wreak havoc on your sex drive. However, there are a number of different supplements and creams that can help replenish these hormones, helping you retain your sex drive even while your body is changing. Learn more about one of these supplements, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
What is DHEA?
Known as a precursor hormone, DHEA can be converted to either estrogen or testosterone. During your reproductive years, your DHEA levels are at their highest, allowing you to effortlessly maintain the delicate hormonal balance between estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. But by age 70 or 80, your DHEA levels drop to around 10 percent of what they were at your peak of fertility. Only by supplementing with DHEA and bringing your levels back to what they were before menopause can you begin to feel like your "old self" again.
What Issues can DHEA Help With?
Not only can DHEA help restore your libido and increase vaginal lubrication, but it can also improve memory, promote weight loss by building lean muscle, reduce blood sugar issues, and even boost your mood.
DHEA's mood-boosting effect goes hand-in-hand with its hormonal balancing. Many common signs of depression (including sadness, irritability, and loss of interest in activities) can actually be caused by a disruption in your estrogen or testosterone levels. You may find that restoring your DHEA levels can help reduce these signs and symptoms of depression without requiring you to take prescription antidepressants.
The longer you use DHEA, the more of these positive outcomes you may notice.
Who is a Good Candidate for DHEA Supplements?
DHEA levels can be supplemented through a topical cream or pill. The right option for you will depend on why you're supplementing with DHEA and what your body can tolerate. If you're taking DHEA for its all-over benefits, a pill can help it travel throughout your body. But if you're looking for DHEA to treat one specific issue (like vaginal dryness), a topical cream that can be applied to the affected area may be a better bet.
DHEA treatment isn't right for everyone. If you have another hormonal or endocrine issue like PCOS or thyroid problems, speak to your endocrinologist to ensure that adding DHEA to your routine won't cause any issues. Your primary care physician can also give you advice on how much DHEA to take and what side effects to look for.
And lastly, if you've gotten approval from your physician to begin DHEA treatment, consider a DHEA hormone cream. Talk to a supplier to find the right product for you.