Pros And Cons Of Over-The-Counter GERD Treatment

Pros And Cons Of Over-The-Counter GERD Treatment

3 August 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Medications are available to treat just about any health issue you can imagine, and GERD treatment is no different. If you are experiencing severe heartburn, it is important to always talk to your health care provider as this might be a symptom of a bigger issue, but if you are trying to treat heartburn on your own, consider the following pros and cons of heartburn medication for part of your GERD treatment journey. 

Pro - Limit Damage Done

When you are experiencing acid reflux, it can be harmful to the esophagus, and sometimes permanent damage can be done if not treated. Taking GERD treatment seriously and getting acid reflux relief when possible will help you feel better and protect your internal organs from experiencing severe damage. If you are able to pinpoint what makes your acid reflux worse, try to not eat the things that cause you more issues. If you are proactive in your reflux treatment, you are more likely to limit the damage done to your body.

Con - Medicine Doesn't Heal GERD

While you can treat the symptoms of those who are experiencing GERD, you cannot eliminate the root cause of your problems. It is important to always talk with your doctor about how to take care of the root problem, but symptom treating with over-the-counter medication is an important part of feeling relief. 

Pro - Can Be Good For You

People who have severe acid reflux have probably experienced damage to many parts of their body, especially the esophagus. When you are treating your symptoms and keeping acid reflux to a minimum, your esophagus has time to heal from any damage caused during reflux flare-ups. Patients are likely to experience erosion of the esophagus with repetitive acid reflux, and these flare-ups are almost always associated with pain. The over-the-counter medication you can take might not heal you completely of the issue, but if you are able to get relief, then it might be worth a try.

Con - A Lot of Options on the Market

Finding the right medication for you can be a trial-and-error process that can take a while. Ask your doctor for recommendations on which medicine to try to help narrow down the options of what you are able to find in your local drug stores. The good side of many options being available is that you have a pretty good chance of finding a medicine that works for you, as long as you give them all a chance to work. 

To learn more about GERD treatment options, contact a doctor.