Prostate Cancer Treatment Methods

Prostate Cancer Treatment Methods

28 July 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you are probably looking at your treatment options. In the past, some physicians were convinced that the only effective method of treating prostate cancer was surgery. However, modern-day technology has proven that there are several options. Information on a few of the most effective methods follows.

Cyberknife Radiation

Cyberknife radiation for prostate cancer is like traditional radiation but more effective and modern. The cyberknife machine is situated on the end of a large mechanical arm which can bend and move. Special markers will be placed around your cancer cells, allowing the cyberknife to aim accurately. Due to its mobility, the cyberknife machine can aim radiation at cancer cells from hundreds of different angles. 


The mobility of cyberknife allows it to aim radiation in a way that greatly reduces its interaction with other organs. This decreases the likelihood of impotence, incontinence, and other common prostate cancer side effects. Cyberknife treatments are usually performed within a five-day window.


A common side effect of cyberknife radiation is mild fatigue.


Removing the prostate, or at least the part with cancer cells, is a procedure that has been done for decades. 


Removing the prostate is extremely effective for eliminating cancer. 


In order to undergo surgery, you will need to be admitted to the hospital for several days. As with any surgery, there are risks of complications, and healing can be challenging. There are also many side effects of a radical prostatectomy, including but not limited to impotence, incontinence, pain, injury to organs around the prostate and narrowing of the urethra. In comparison with other treatment methods, it is the most challenging to heal from.


Cryotherapy is an outpatient procedure where doctors insert needles into the prostate and inject a freezing solution which damages prostate cancer cells. 


This procedure has been proven to be effective in those with a specific type of prostate cancer. Your doctor will know whether or not you are a good candidate. This is a much easier method of treatment than surgery since there is literally no down-time. 


Not everyone will benefit from cryotherapy.

In conclusion, every situation is different and unique. Talk to your doctor and get a second opinion before deciding on what treatment option is right for you. Prostate cancer is challenging, but with so many different treatments available, recovery is within reach.