Breastfeeding Exclusively? 4 Reasons You Should Still Have A Breast Pump
If you're breastfeeding exclusively, and you're a stay-at-home parent, you might not think that you need a breast pump. However, that's not actually the case, especially when you can obtain a free breast pump through your insurance company. You might be breast-feeding exclusively, but there are still plenty of reasons to have a breast pump on hand. If you still don't think you need a breast pump, read the list provided below. You'll find four great reasons to talk to your insurance company about receiving a free breast pump.
Increase Milk Production
If you're breastfeeding exclusively, you need to ensure adequate production. However, many new parents have a difficult time with production, especially in the early stages. One way to increase milk production is to stimulate your breasts. You might not realize this, but increasing your breastfeeding sessions can actually increase milk production. If your baby isn't interested in additional feedings, you can stimulate milk production with your breast pump. Simply use your breast pump to express milk in between regular feedings.
Maintain Emergency Supply
If you're breastfeeding your baby, you might think that you're going to be available for all feedings. Unfortunately, that might not be the case. Sickness, or other emergency situations can take you away from your baby unexpectedly. When that happens, you want to be prepared for feedings. Luckily, you can do that with a breast pump. Each time you pump, place the saved milk in freezer-safe containers, and store in your freezer. You'll have plenty of breast milk available for your baby should an emergency arise.
Reduce Risk of Engorgement
If you're breastfeeding your new baby, you need to worry about engorgement. This is especially true if your baby doesn't empty your breasts at each feeding. Breast engorgement is a painful condition, and can be difficult to alleviate. That's where a breast pump comes in handy. To reduce the risk of engorgement, use your breast pump to empty your breasts after each feeding. Not only will you reduce the risk of engorgement, you'll encourage additional milk production.
Allow More Family Involvement
If you're providing exclusive breastfeeding for your baby, your family might be as involved as they'd like to be. One of the great things about using a breast pump is that your family can participate in some of the feedings. Simply place the expressed milk into a bottle, and your family can help with the feedings. Best of all, you'll get a break from time to time for some much-needed self-care.